Open Source Contributions

A collection of open-source projects I contributed to.

This is our implementation of Lox, a reputation-based bridge distribution system that provides privacy protection to users and their social graph and is open to all users. The Lox repo, written in Rust by my supervisor Ian Goldberg and me, includes test suites that were used to produce the results in my MMath thesis and our PETS'23 paper. Lox is currently being incorpoarted into Tor browser to be tested out as an alternative to Tor's bridgedb.

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I contributed to development on the Slitheen decoy routing system, developed by Cecylia Bocovich and Ian Goldberg, and the Oustral traffic generating extension, developed by Anna Harbluk Lorimer, for our Oustralopithecus paper.

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Prior to beginning my masters at Waterloo, I kicked off the development on Red Hat developers' vscode plugin for Tekton CI/CD pipelines over the course of a summer internship.

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After being thrown into the deep end a bit while working on Kubernetes as my first open-source project, I created this choose your own adventure style tutorial for some advanced git commands for command line.

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